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- Authors
- Name
- Florian Vallen
- @florianvallen
The 14th of November in 2012 marks a special day in my life.
It marks the day on which my journey began as a contact juggler.
By cosmic coincidence it was also the day of a full solar eclipse in Australia.

In the very early morning hours of the 14. November 2012, the sun came up behind the horizon just like every other morning. But this very day the moon pushed itself in front of the sun, slowly but surely covering it completely and darkening the emerging sunlight for about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes that would stay forever in my memory and in the memory of all those around me. The cosmic alignment of sun and moon awakened me to a priviledge that we all share together. The priviledge of being a guest here on this miraculous planet.
Little did I know back then that this day would also mark a turning point in my life. It was the day on which I discovered a new passion: A passion for contact juggling.
The Eclipse festival was full of colorful artists from all corners of the world: Musicians, DJs, visionary artists such as Alex Grey, and a whole lot of circus artists everywhere. The whole world was to guest at this special spot where the eclipse was happening. It was a playground for adults and children alike. One week of immersive artistry at a cosmic spot like this was a truly mind opening experience.
In the evening at the day of the eclipse, I watched a performance of one of the world's most amazing contact jugglers called Okotanpe.

His performance had this touch of magic that outshined the fire performances that swirled around the stage just minutes before. The simplicity of an acrylic sphere floating in the air was so mezmerizing! What was it? I had to learn it, I had to feel it, understand it. I was so deeply moved and impressed that I felt the big desire to learn the ways of this kind of juggling magic too.
The next day of the Eclipse festival I went to the juggling shop and bought my first acrylic ball and my time as a contact juggling wizard began.
Be it destiny or mere coincidince, the Eclipse festival 2012 changed my life.
I could not imagine my life anymore without the crystal sphere.
It became a big part of me and I'm so happy about it.
Who knows what would have happened if I didn't go to the Eclipse in 2012.
Thank you for eclipsing me Eclipse 2012!
May you eclipse many more people during the next Eclipse which happens in August 2017 in Oregon, USA.

Love, Gratitude & Contact Balls